Shell Tameer Volunteer Programme
The Shell Tameer Volunteer Programme acts a bridge between experience and passion. As a Shell Tameer Volunteer you will get an opportunity to interact with some of the brightest young Pakistani entrepreneurs and be the part of Shell Tameer’s journey towards a progressive tomorrow!
Join our team of volunteers to share your talents and expertise with our young and passionate entrepreneurs. You can contribute as a business mentor, subject matter expert to share your focused knowledge or a support role in execution of our activities.
More in the programme
Tameer Awards
Shell Tameer Award is a nationwide competition, to recognize, celebrate and reward young talent making significant contribution in the national entrepreneurship space.
Shell Tameer Mentoring & Advice
Having access to information and skills is vital when undertaking any enterprise but also being able to call upon a mentor to talk through the process. A mentor can help cast an independent eye over business plans and advise on marketing or sales assumptions and plans thus providing additional support to the entrepreneur
Shell Tameer Workshops
Shell Tameer trainings and workshops help with the development of enterprise skills essential to starting a business. The trainings are designed to provide guidance on how to transform business ideas into sustainable ventures, and networking opportunities that can aid in acquiring financing or highlighting avenues for business growth.